Originally Posted by sapiens
Precedence begs to differ? Your thought experiment above is not an argument for "survival of the species". It is an argument for human cooperation.
It's both. Part of our survival as a species can be attributed to our ability to cooperate.
Originally Posted by sapiens
I don't disagree with that. Individual/genic selection can better account for the patterns of cooperation you describe than group selection.
I don't think I'm describing group selection. What I'm describing really isn't about genetics at it's core, it's about societal rules. It's ultimately sociology. The fact that the more successful members of the group tent to reproduce more or better wasn't really something I was addressing. The fact was that the pack or group survived because it was stronger as a whole. This was the societal foundation upon which agrarian development was built.
Originally Posted by sapiens
It's not an "either or", but group selection is an incredibly weak force in biological evolution. Individual/genic selection is far more powerful. I don't disagree that cooperation with others is important, I just disagree (along with the field of evolutionary biology as a whole) with the origin you describe.
I didn't say how important it was, just that it was a factor.