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Old 09-18-2007, 06:57 AM   #9 (permalink)
Lady Sage
Mistress of Mayhem
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Location: Canton, Ohio
Astrology is a very complex form of divination. No, I do not have a degree in astrology, I have, however, been reading charts with a superior degree of accuracy for over 8 years. I have taught classes on the subject and been asked to do psychic fairs because of my accuracy on the subject.

Astrology can not tell you the name of the person you are going to marry, it can not tell you if your marriage will last forever.

What it CAN do is tell you what careers you would be best suited to, what challenges you will have, what personality defects a person may have... what blessings the person will have, what things will cause them much joy.

One of the last charts I have read was for a very closed mouthed friend of mine who was a non-believer. I looked at her chart(a circle with symbols and colorful lines) and told her of her childhood, what it was like for her as a young adult. How one of her husbands beat her and about that little(ok big) hellacious streak she went through when her give-a-damn was beyond busted.

She was awestruck. In all the years I had known her she never told me any of that. I also told her before looking at her chart- do not have someone you do not trust read your chart. You will likely be ashamed at some of the things one will see.

News paper horoscopes are bullshit. You can show me 3 people born on the same day in the same year, each only hours apart from the next. Their horoscopes will be different. Every day, different.

As the minutes pass the circle of a chart turns. When someone is born, it forms a chart. Even twins wont be the same. A new sign on the horison, a trine turns into a sextile- a conjunct becomes a square. Small changes such as that can pull twins in totally opposite directions.

Enough ramblings. You will either believe or you will not. It is not my job to pull you in either direction.

I guess my point is- it is easy to disprove something one knows little or nothing about. It is harder to believe in something that challenges your current beliefs.

Good luck to anyone who hopes to engage me in an argument of right/wrong on this topic. You are entitled to your opinion. I know what the facts are. I have been there and lived that. Each one of us has seen something that no one else could possibly believe. Refer to the first two lines of my signature if you hope to try.
If only closed minds came with closed mouths.
Minds are like parachutes, they function best when open
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