i forgot to post my 'theory'; sorry.
basically its this. I've always gone by my gut. i've always been a moral guy and can say 'that's too much' for myself. I have developed a way of seeing things as okay or wrong.
sin is odd. some sin for one man is okay for another man.
an alcoholic or drug abuser sins if he takes the habit back up: he knowingly harms himself and others. people who have full control over the chemicals are not sinners. they do not get drunk out of their mind or lit up enough to do something stupid or hurtful.
to curse is no problem, though not god's name in vein, but to willingly curse someone in a damning hurtful way is sin. You did it only to hurt the other.
if you knowingly invite a vegan into your home and have steak laid out, you were just incredibly rude and you sinned for hurting others.
for picture/pornography I've seen it all my life. its helped me out when i was in dire pain. it kept my mind off of commiting suicide and it helped me stay sane. A beautiful woman, to me, is the ultimate relaxation. I never feel guilt when i view what I view and its not felt 'wrong' but once or twice. when it did i walked away.
not really a theory. just a quick explanation.