When I was in high school during the late 1970s, I thought I was one of the few left my age who wasn't having sex. Oh, wait! I did have sex wto tmes with one girl when I was 15, then not again until after high school.
Now I know that in my day, most of us in high school were not having sex, but we thought everyone else was.
Recent surveys of teen sexual behavoir show that a few teens age 13-16 are having sex, but most aren't. This doesn't sound that different than when I was in high school.
In recent years there have been stories circulating about blowjob parites or "rainbow" parties in which a bunch of guys stand in a line and girls take turns giving them blowjobs. There was a novel about this, a few Oprah! shows and a series on Showtime I saw where a teen character when to one.
But when journalists try to track these down, all they find are kids who've heard about other kids or kids at other schools who've been to them. No oen can find kids who've actualy been to them.
Anything than makes juicy gossip or scares parents gets passed around, whether it is true or not. One good barometer of teen sexuakl activity is the teen pregnancy rate, and that is down since the 1980s.