To catch you all up on the drama, Media Defender is a company that record labels paid to create chaos in the file-sharing communities in order to prevent piracy. While the notion of preventing piracy is a noble cause, their methods were quite unsound. They set up their own file sharing site called MiiVi with the sole intention of diseminating false files and trapping users who shared their own legitimate files. They were under contract with several large record labels and even the government.
And a couple days ago, thousands of their internal emails and even a phone call with a lawyer were LEAKED onto the internet.
There are juicy bits, but the link above doesn't call attention to anything in particular. Let's see some blog articles:
So on one hand, you have a company that uses underhanded tactics to make money and screw people over. On the other hand you have a community of people fighting back and violating this company's privacy.
I love a good bloodbath, but I find both sides to be unethical. That makes it hard to see the truth in this. Its a soulless company, but many details of a personal nature were leaked too.