yes, I was on triphasial (sp?) from the age of 18-24, I went off that to become preggie and after I had my daughter at 25 I didnt go back on anything and 6 years after she was born (when I was 31) they discovered I'd stopped producing progesterone and put me on the Estrostep because I was having a horrible time with cysts in my uterus and it was either try that and if it didnt work I'd have to have a full hysterectomy....they worked and I've been on them ever since, well until may anyway.
Now Im not on anything at all, Im waiting on my Dr to call me back to tell me if she's going to call my old pills in or not or if she wants to see if I've started reproducing progesterone on my own
Dave and I finally decided when I can keep him in the country long enough he's going to get snipped. With the two surgeries and the health probs I've had in the last year I just cant (mentally) have another one.
I want the diabetic plan that comes with rollover carbs. I dont like the unused one expiring at midnite!!