I get you, uber, but I have never stated that they should have a pass.
Part of my problem here, as it is often, is that I am thinking in much broader terms than the focus of this thread. But that's just the way I think. And personally, I think that's the only way to really think about this issue. Otherwise it's just bickering about personal tastes... oh yes, and shooting people. Everybody go back and look at the pictures of these and imagine shooting them...here I'll make it easy for you, which ones would you shoot first, these guys?
or maybe her?
Sounds like a bunch of big fucking talk to me.
Personally, I don't give a damn about this protest, but it is the attitude towards protest that has been engendered amongst some posters here that has caused me to, once again, become dispirited about where 'we' are headed in regards to our values and, in this case, our lack of respect for revolutionary perspectives on society and action - especially among young people. It seems more and more that anything anyone does to complain or rock the boat on the level of social activism these days is met with escalating levels of antipathy - whether we are talking about PETA or Greenpeace or racism in America or celebrities in Africa. But at least these folks are passionate about something outside of their own petty little lives (which they are folks! deal with it!) and are putting themselves out on the streets (or the high seas) to try and do something about it. I respect that.
Sorry for my off-topic rant, but I guess I am showing my age. Some days I really love TFP and some days it makes me feel old and out of step. This is one of the latter days.