I would like to echo mm, ustwo, skafe, etc. It is easy to blame parents for everything that a child does. It's like blaming the president for the economy. Sure, he plays a role, he affects policy, public opinion. What he can't do is magically raise the gdp.
Anyone who thinks that a parent has absolute control over a child is obviously not a parent. Yep, i went there. Anyone who thinks that any possibly undesirable act an underage person might engage in is the result of bad parenting is obviously not a very astute observer of human behavior. Children, especially teenagers do stupid things. You all did stupid things when you were a teenager, or you regret not doing stupid shit when you were a teenager. Playing it safe is boring and taking risk means doing something with uncertain consequences and probably retrospectively stupid. Brinkmanship is what being a teenager is all about. A parent's job is to strongly encourage their child to do right, but also help their child not fuck up their life completely in the process of doing stupid shit.
Children, especially teenagers, aren't automotons. There isn't some predictable combination of discipline, structure, etc that will make them so. They often do what they want to do, and they don't always listen to their parents.