Will, are you just arguing to argue, or are you serious?
Seriously, there are a lot of different socially active organizations out there that range from harmless to dangerous. GreenPeace is non-violent. That means they're not going to light anything on fire, bomb anything, or attack anyone. It's not an assumption; it's a fact.
GreenPeace is an organization of people. People are inherently unpredictable. Your statement can be word-for-word translated to other organizations and you probably wouldnt agree:
Seriously, there are a lot of different socially active organizations out there that range from harmless to dangerous. The Catholic Church is non-violent. That means they're not going to light anything on fire, bomb anything, or attack anyone. It's not an assumption; it's a fact.
Seriously, there are a lot of different socially active organizations out there that range from harmless to dangerous. Muslims is non-violent. That means they're not going to light anything on fire, bomb anything, or attack anyone. It's not an assumption; it's a fact.
Seriously, there are a lot of different socially active organizations out there that range from harmless to dangerous. The Congress is non-violent. That means they're not going to light anything on fire, bomb anything, or
attack anyone. It's not an assumption; it's a fact.
Do you see how assuming something about someone PURELY based on their organization is a TERRIBLE idea? Do you see why it is unsafe? I don't care how
convinced you are that they aren't violent, there are probably violent people in GreenPeace.
And you know what? If I were thinking of being a true pirate and taking over a ship at sea, I think wearing a GreenPeace shirt would be a really easy way for me to do it. I'm not actually a member, but if the boat is full of people like you, you'd immediately trust that I had no violent intentions.
Lucifer didn't know them from Sam; how is he supposed to assume they're not violent just because their jackets say GreenPeace?