I used to think that way. No longer, though.
Everyone thinks that if they had some extaordinary power or privilege, they would only use it for good, never make mistakes, and never abuse it.
That's what this is all about, really. You think you could make the world a better place AND help yourself by killing those you deem undesirable on this planet. Just think about the implications.
I believe this to be an unacceptable paradigm. No one has the right to take the life of another unless the life of an innocent is directly in jeopardy.
Also, why is the idea of longer life so appealing to everyone? Firstly it's unnatural and upsetting to the flow of all things. Secondly, what have you accomplished so far in life? Do you think that with an extra 20 year you can accomplish much more? Or even an extra 100?
You're still a speck of dust in the end.
The want for extended life is a twisted self-indulgent idea.
Come on guys, didn't you see Indiana Jones: The Last Crusade??
Last edited by Antagony; 06-02-2003 at 08:44 AM..