Originally Posted by willravel
Nuclear power plants are incredibly expensive.
Yes, but the amount of energy that can be extracted from uranium makes them the most efficient form of energy over the life of the reactor.
Forsmark, Sweden almost had a meltdown just last month.
But they didn't, did they.
BTW, the Russians are second only to the US when it comes to nuclear safety.
That depends on what you define as safety. To get the results you mention above you must:
A. Discount military reactor incidents.
B. Non-incident releases.
Niether of which I am comfortable doing when talking about nuclear safety.
Cute graphic, but it isn't exactly how nuclear contamination spreads. Add to that the fact that sites such as WIPP and Yucca Mountain are sealed environments and it becomes rather irrelevant.
Gentlemen, this is all very fun, but it is way off topic (and I accept responsibility for that). Let us continue elsewhere and agree that the douchbags who illegally boarded that ship should be chum now, if it were not for the kind hearts of seafarers like Lucifer.
(his screen-name makes that last sentence quite funny)