Originally Posted by Seaver
I suggest everyone watch one episode of what he's talking about... and you'll see what I'm talking about.
The guy is a fake.
That's right, the guy is a fake.
This guy wears Ali-G glasses and a Slash Top-Hat. There is no way this guy got girls to have sex with him without money involved before he got "famous."
If this is the same "Mystery" that I'm thinking of, which will be the same "Mystery" that Niel Strauss talks about in his book The Game, then he isn't a fake.
All that cheap tacky crap that he wears, which he knows is cheap and tacky, as actually one of the tactics they use. The more outrageous the tackiness the more attention it attracts. It's termed 'Peacocking'.
Once again, The Game, read it. It you want an extremely interesting insight into this world of pick up artists, this is the book for you. And "Mystery" is one of the main characters of this book and one of the founders of this culture.