Originally Posted by Frosstbyte
For fuck's sake, yes! YOUR RIGHTS END WHERE ANOTHER'S RIGHTS BEGIN. You cannot deprive someone of the total value of their property without consequence. Not even the government gets to do that (go read the "takings" clause).

Please, take a few deep breaths. This thread is getting a bit heated.
any illegal acts of violence or detention, or any act of depredation,
committed for private ends by the crew or the passengers of a private
ship or a private aircraft, and directed:
If the act of stopping the boat itself was illegal, then it may constitute the legal term of piracy, but it would be easy to argue against that point in court as law cannot rewrite semantics. Any dictionary will tell you that piracy constitutes theft specifically and has nothing to do with detention. Based on the actual meaning of the term piracy, as opposed to the above description, GreenPeace is not guilty of piracy. And, as Frostbyte says, the piracy itself is when the private party profits.
Still, it's a good point.