That terroristic tactics have worked in the past does not excuse them in the grand context of civilized society, nor should I be ok with these protesters (who I don't agree with) because I agree with the motivations of the Boston Tea Party.
You're still not answering the question, will, no matter how illustrative your graphics are. I think these people ought to be CHARGED with piracy and Greenpeace made financially responsible for the losses sustained by the company. What do you think should happen to the PEOPLE who did something that we both agree was wrong?
The grey area, IL, is that they didn't just board the ship. They inhibited the ability of the ship to do its job. To some of us, that essentially constitutes taking control of the ship. In order to not hurt these people, the ship stopped moving and had to raise its security level and had to call the coast guard. That means it wasn't delivering its coal and it was sitting there not being useful. No they didn't drive the ship off, but they didn't board and offer the crew some beers, either.
Last edited by Frosstbyte; 09-13-2007 at 01:00 PM..