It seems to me the "pick-Up" mentality is a matter of age, though not the physical one. I cant speak for all guys by any means, but I went through the Slut stage once I found out I could be one. It took awhile to figure out (or sow the oats), the unfulfilling nature of just looking to get laid. Young men, or boys, often need to pad the ego quite a bit to be comfortable enough with themselves to actually look at women as something beyond breast owners. The show (yes, I have seen it) looks like a way to get the confidence impaired to get to stage one in the boy game, and nothing more. The host probably has more ego issues going on than all the kids he pretends to help in the first place...its almost funny to watch.
Holding onto anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned. - Buddha