Is global warming a threat to the human species? ROBIN THOMPSON, Oxford
Yes. You could say that the human species is a threat to the human species. I recommend Al Gore's film on global warming. See it and weep. Not just for the human species. Weep for what we could have had in 2000, but for the vote-rigging in Jeb Bush's Florida.
--Richard Dawkins, ethologist, evolutionary biologist and popular science writer who holds the Charles Simonyi Chair for the Public Understanding of Science at Oxford University, United Kingdom
This is another favorite tactic of global warming denialists. They reference distinguish scientists in a context that implies that those scientists themselves have serious doubts about global warming, when the truth is quite the reverse.
Dawkins for instance would consider anybody who uses his books to cast doubt on global warming as kooks or in the pocket of oil companies, or both.