Money. The goal of your 'pursuit of happiness?'
I worked for a company. This company not only treated me well but the work was great. I no longer work for them but still, I visit them often. Every time I go back they think I've come back to work and each time I wish that were the case. The only reason I left was 'for the money.' It was for good reason though, I was falling behind on my bills. The over-time had disappeared and I just really didn't make squat for pay as it was. Another job offer came about making roughly 40% more so I took it.
I regret it.
But everyday I look at the BMW I now drive and all of the other material things I own. Plus the fact that everyone I tell this story tells me if I were to go back to my old job that I would be a complete buffoon. Sometimes I agree and sometimes I don't.
I miss my old job. I miss my old boss. I miss the fact that everyone there realized my talent. I miss the fact that people respected me.
Right now I'm just a tool in a toolbox that they feel can be easily replaced but they are so wrong. My fellow employees know this and really don't want me to leave.
I am lost.
My dilemma is this; do I bite this .50 caliber bullet day-in and day-out and enjoy the fact that I can have all of these material things or do I ditch the material things and go back where I had enough to be happy and just wished for the frivolous shit? After all, it is just frivolous. Isn't it?
pearls ain't free