Originally Posted by Strange Famous
I'm sorry, but thats genuinely disturbing.
And my house got burgled this year in case anyone thinks I am just naive about it.
its an industrial property, so every once in a while, the place will get hit hard, and repeatedly. over the last couple of years, people have probably stolen $30,000 worth of stuff and caused another $15,000 in property damage getting the stuff.
I've had my house broken into...but that wasnt nearly as exciting as living with a theif for about a decade growing up.
there's nothing quite like having countless things that you worked hard for go missing...(step brother) this guy would steal whatever he could get his hands on (his father's wedding ring, grandparents stuff, my stuff, his real brothers stuff, strangers stuff)...anyway I presume he blew alot of it on drugs, or whatever. I have somewhat of a "special" hatred for people who make their living by stealing.
anyway, I saw him make his bed as he was growing up, and no matter what bullshit revelation he claimed to have (jesus, whatever)...he just went back to being the same old crook.
he's been in the state pen for the last decade. some people just dont change...and dont have a right to exist in society.