Snowy: I was too lazy to Google and don't have any in the house, I stand corrected on the spelling of the cheesy goodness that is Tillamook. Gee-wiz, you're IN Oregon, how's it surprising that Tillamook is expensive all the way over here in the Great Lakes state?!

It was the Extra Sharp we had, it's only available in one grocery here and unfortunatly I don't get there that often. Thanks for the tip on the Bandon, I'll keep my eye out, but given I can only find Tillamook in one spot I think my wallet will still suffer (gladly).
Since SexyCat hasn't gotten back and you mentioned them, care to explain what "cheese curds" are exactly?
Psycho Dad: Holy crickey, that potato soup recipe looks like the best one I've seen yet and I am a cooking fiend and have tried several. Hubbies out of town for work, I think I will try that soup as a welcome home dinner in about 6 days!
Hanxter: As an avid cook, I'm embarressed to admit I have never had a chutney. When hubby and I were in South Africa, he had a red pepper and mango (papya?) chutney over some type of fish and still to this day raves about it (it was a work dinner). Is Major Grey's a readily available brand here in the states and is it a "typical" chutney? Yes, I know there are many varied chutnies but I'm not sure if there's a "basic" recipe, I'd like to try some.
Already after only 20+ post's to the cheese thread, I have a recipe I can't wait to try and one I'm hoping to.