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Old 09-10-2007, 04:09 PM   #65 (permalink)
Submit to me, you know you want to
ShaniFaye's Avatar
Location: Lilburn, Ga
ok Im going to add my two cents here, for whatever its worth

What does Shannon want in a man?

I guess I am unlike some here…I really don’t care if my tweezers are used as tools….hell I use them that way myself hehehehe We seem to have shower handles that start to spin freely on themselves…Im the first one to grab my tweezers to pry off the cover to get to the screw to screw them back in (though I DO use a screwdriver for that…and I use the appropriate one for the screw type ) Dave is the first one to grab his beard trimmer when my pelvic area needs de fuzzing so I can shave and not go thru 3 razor blades doing it.

I could care less if he gets undressed in the living room, bedroom or basement…the clothes make their way to the laundry basket sometime within the next 24 hours (and he does it himself). I on the other hand am famous for getting undressed in the bathroom and leaving piles of thongs and socks for days in the bathroom floor before I remember to pick them up and carry them to the laundry basket.

What I care about are things like

Dave walks in from work after sitting in traffic for 45 minutes in August with no air conditioning….I follow him to the bedroom and lay on the bed while he changes into cooler clothes and don’t smother him as soon as he walks in the door..because I know the last thing I want when Im hot is somebody crawling all over me playing kissy face or trying to discuss who is going to cook dinner. He also knows I will have a glass chilling in the freezer for his crown and coke

I walk in from work and he knows I’ve had a hell of a day….I’ve either had a hectic day at work, something on TFP has pissed me off, something has gone wrong on one of my boards…he knows without me having to ask, to leave me alone and let me chill (and brings me a glass of iced tea)

He knows the days I just don’t feel like cooking dinner and does it without me saying a word.

We both understand and do not tolerate “calling in sick” when we are not. If we want a day off, we call our respective bosses and say…Im taking a vacation day today.

We both know that if someone asks us to do something on a work nite, it BETTER be a special thing for us to go out. In the same vain, we do not accept invitations to do things without discussing it with each other first.

If he wants to buy something and I say we don’t have the money right then, he is not trying to figure out how to rob Peter to pay Paul….we budget whatever it is in and get it when we can.

We both clearly know that if one asks if something is wrong…the other person is going to get an answer….and not some “no, Im fine” kind of thing. If we were mind readers we’d be rich and quitting our day jobs. The answer may be, yes something is wrong and it has nothing to do with you and I don’t want to talk about it right now (which is usually the case because in 4 years we have never had one fight or disagreement on anything, not even toilet seats or toothpaste tubes)

He knows I will kill him if he spends money on fresh flowers for me, I see it as a huge waste, he knows he’ll get smoochies galore if he brings me home beef jerky or a pack of reeses. I surprise him with things like meeting him at the airport when he’s come back from “wherever” or arranging to be home when he gets there if he has his car at the airport, and he knows clean sheets will be on the bed waiting to be dirtied.

We never leave the house in the morning for work with out a hug and a real kiss and “I love you, drive safe”

If one of us (and yes he does say it occasionally) says “im not in the mood” the other does not take it personally and is just as happy to snuggle

We do not embarrass each other in public

We do do not trash each others families

We both make our lunches together

If one of us is sick, the other does the best of their ability to take care of the them and their responsibilities. As much as I HATE taking out the garbage, when his neck is acting up I would never think to ask him to do it, or to complain about it.

He has no problem buying feminine hygiene products for me. He has no problem stopping by the store on the way home from work for something we may need…never complains about it.

I could keep going but you’d get bored so I wont. I guess I could have just said, “I expect my man to be as respectful to me and my emotions and my characteristics as I am to his” and that might have said it in a succinct way….but then I couldn’t have bragged that Dave is every single solitary thing I want in a man, and trust me I know…I lived for 16 years with a man that wasn’t.
I want the diabetic plan that comes with rollover carbs. I dont like the unused one expiring at midnite!!

Last edited by ShaniFaye; 09-10-2007 at 04:12 PM..
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