Originally Posted by Ourcrazymodern?
Is this another parallel universe? It seems to me beyond doubt that others exist. It seems quite likely that we're all in the same boat. -I'd really like to read some alien science fiction.
I love you, DaveMatrix!
Indeed it is! (another parallel universe, only in reverse) Just another pretext to talk about silly ass possibilities that could never be......or could they???
I'm quite fond of you OCM, but dont say love, BOR will get jealous!!
I thought I'd throw this in, just because it has nothing to do with this thread, Ok, only slightly. I simply find Jodie Foster in this role incredibly hot..... intelligent, driven, sexy.....
Setting - The VeryLargeArray in New Mexico - BASE OF TELESCOPE - PRE-DAWN
Ellie wears a pair of headsets. We hear the SOUND of the COSMOS, the background wash of empty STATIC...
...and a faint BEEPING, FADING IN and OUT of reception.
Ellie slowly swims up to consciousness. After a moment her eyes open. She sits up --