First experience would have been in 2nd grade, '72 or '73, when the University(of Illinois) installed a Plato terminal in our classroom. It had a plasma screen, so we could actually play game type stuff on it. The terminals where frickin' huge,about the size of a small refridgerator. A couple years later, they added sensors around the screen, making them 'touch' sensitive. They could display photographs, too, if they had the slide projector mounted in the back.
By junior high, some of my friends were learning to program on them, at an open computer lab on campus.
My high school's 'computer lab,' a side room offa the math office, had, I think, TRS-80's. I never got into it, though.
I decided about five years ago that it was time to see what this computer/internet nonsense was all about, and got a generic-ish refurb with a 233 cyrix, onboard sound and video, and running win95. Started upgrading after a month or two, and haven't looked back since.