I've suffered from diabetes combined with insulin resistance since I was 12 years old if there's one thing I have become conscious about it's my diet.
Diet drinks are generally bad for you because the majority have a very high salt content, atleast the ones I have looked at do.
If your sweet tooth is nagging at you fruit yoghurts are a nice substitute for lollies / icecream etc. I'd advise towards the peach and mango flavours rather then the berry ones as the peach ones seem to have about 1/2 the sugar content.
Fruit and vegetables of almost any kind is good as long as it's fresh (a noticeable exception to this is watermelon). Dried fruits seem to be high in sugars though this may just be a brand thing (I use a dehydrater and dry my own).
Try to move away from the basic 3 meal a day which most people know and love, it's more effective for your body to have 5 smaller meals a day then 3. It balances out the glucose levels of your body.
As for the jogging the weight might be an issue, I have knee problems of my own so stairs / biking is almost impossible for me. I've found rowing and elliptical machines are great though - play around with different types of equipment if you have the opportunity, may not be possible ofcourse as that mainly depends on a gym membership of some kind.
Sorry just read the Q&A section so will add to my previous post
Q, I guess it's bad to eat late at night because your metabolism sucks while you're sleeping but if you're really hungry or know that you're coming in too low for the daily intake due to missing a meal or something due to work/life etc.. what kind of food would be good?
Q, Vitamin capsules, Some of my previous experience with vegetarians basically said they had to rely on these for protein because they didn't really like the natural sources of it. Are these a good idea in general anyway?
Q, Green tea "on the go"? Are there any popular outlets for this kind of drink? Again, not really able to make it myself with the lack of a kitchen. I could keep an eye out for it but I'm pretty sure most places are of the mcdonalds iced tea variety.
1.) Late night snacks aren't a good thing this is true but there are some things you can eat which are not going to do a great deal of damage, mainly low GI but very filling foods. Personally I tend towards bananas and / or toast (two pieces of toast with a mashed banana in between, so good)
2.) Depends on the type of vitamin that you are talking about, personally I take a few daily so I can't say not to but if you're on any other types of medication TALK TO YOUR DOCTOR FIRST (sorry for caps but can't emphasise that enough). Herbal medications and vitamins do interact with prescription meds.
3.) Most cafes here (even McCafe) sell green tea, not sure if I can think of anywhere that does it drive through style though. This may just be and Aussie phenomenon though. As for not being able to make it yourself all you need is a jar, tea cup and an electric kettle, couple of leaves in the bottom wait for them to settle then drink add more water when you want more tea. Admittedly some types of tea are more complex and require more preparation though so make sure you read the instructions first.