Originally Posted by Baraka_Guru
There are various reasons to stay away from diet sodas. Personally, I do so for two reasons: I hate the taste of aspartame, and I don't like ingesting those kinds of chemicals if I can avoid it. Stick to natural foods and beverages as much as you can, you will be better off in the long run. Sodas of any kind lack the good chemicals, such as those found in coffee and tea.
All kinds of research has shown that both coffee and tea are loaded with antioxidants, and tea especially is a promising beverage that may help fight cancer and heart disease. What's more, is that green tea has been found to help metabolism due to the abundance of a chemical called epigallocatechingallate (EGCG), as has caffeine in general. EGCG is a catechin, which is found in all tea, but green tea in particular is especially rich in EGCG, the most powerful kind. The net effect of green tea is small, but it is one of many things you can do to give you an advantage over fat burning.
EDIT: If you have a sweet tooth and can beat it, acquiring a taste for green tea is a wonderful thing. It is one of my favourite beverages. It has a wonderful flavour that you really look forward to when you enjoy it often enough. It is meant to be drank without any additives; its flavour is that subtle and delicate. I drink it at work, at least once or twice a day, after my morning coffee. Tea can be really cheap, too, especially when compared to soda. If you buy it in the right amount, it can be as cheap as CDN$0.12 a cup.
I just throw a Splenda packet in tea, and I prefer my coffee black with skim milk.
If you can't conquer your sweet tooth--get used to artificial sweeteners. But don't fool yourself into thinking you can eat sugar-free junk food--read the label. It's still junk food. But having some light yogurt or Splenda in your tea or a diet soda is better than the alternative.