well i'm trying to get my diet in check first. I think I'm a fairly muscular type underneath the chunk. I did a lot of labor work for a few years.
I'm going to go ahead and say that I don't get enough intake of what I actually need, and probably an excess of what I don't need.
I just started using the journal thing here so if you guys wanna help me out as far as figuring out how I should approach this, I'll be keeping an eye on that.
today i had a veggie sub with no cheese and just mustard (pickle/olive/lettuce/tomato)(wheat bread) nothing else.
A Diet Dr Pepper
1x Cheesy Bean and Rice Burrito from taco bell
http://www.yum.com/nutrition/menu.asp?brandID_Abbr=5_TB (Taco bell nutrition info)
and the dt dp just had lots of zeros on it, so I dunno.
could someone explain in detail what is "bad" about diet soda? I drink lots of water (I work by a 550 degree oven when i'm not driving, I have to) so its not replacing my desire to go thru a lot of water or anything. Doesn't seem to have any real nutritional value tho
I'm not sure what I should stay away from, or whats ok, or even what range i should stay in for food.
so yeah according to those sites I linked, I'm guessing the cheesy bean and rice isn't such a great idea?
230 calories 3g fat at subway
470 calories 20g fat at taco bell
quite the contrast :\
thats all i've had to eat today though and that seems really low overall. I'm not hungry though.
Originally Posted by aberkok
The most versatile cardio you can do is running. I feel like every human should learn how to do some long distance runs and since last year I've built up from nothing to sustaining a 5km run with a small 2min. break in the middle.
The basic idea behind starting a running program is to use intervals of walking and jogging. You can probably find a whole bunch of programs on the internet, but I started by walking for 1 minute, then jogging for 30 seconds, then walking for a minute, jogging for 30 secs, etc., and repeating this until I got a total of 15mins. Eventually I was jogging 1 minute on one minute off. You get the idea... slowly build up your jogging time and keep those minute breaks in there.
Now keep in mind that cardio is important, but I'd say that weight loss begins with resistance training. You'll get a lot more calorie burn out of a weights workout, so get that sorted out first, then add the cardio afterwords or on off days.
Yeah I think my thing with running is that I dont feel like I have a "running" build/body
I have some issues (unknown) with my knees putting me in a lot of pain after a long bike ride, or strangely enough, sex, basically any activity which strains those muscles. it may very well be related to my weight. But it's been like this for years. I also get the pain in my knees if I let my legs sit still for too long as well. Like driving to Seattle or something. It hurts to the point that I either have to engage cruise control and straighten my legs out to the passenger side of the car (dangerous, so I don't really exercise this option much) or just getting out and walking for 10 minutes.
Also, I don't like to sound like I'm making excuses, I'm genuinely curious, if my body type has anything to do with my difficulty with running. I dont imagine 300 lbs slamming down on your feet again and again is going to be pleasant for anyone, with huge strides and clumsy size 16 feet

I dunno, the logistics of it don't make sense to me. I'd be ok with something else for cardio but running doesn't "feel" like an option to me right now because of the knees/size issue I feel might be preventing me from doing things without causing me a lot of pain.
Originally Posted by Baraka_Guru
If you like cheese, go cottage cheese as well. Even no-fat tastes pretty good.
I can do without cheese really, I like it but it's not a big thing to me.