Quick on-the-go foods, like I told you in shout, are essential.
--Clif Bars (buy them by the box, save some dough)
--Fruit (apples, pears, dried fruit)
--Protein shakes/meal replacements (think SlimFast and other choices, see:
--fresh veggies (carrots, celery, packaged peas, a bag of packaged salad makes a good meal to go
--Sandwiches (whole wheat bread, lean meats, mustard, no cheese, load it up with veggies)
--Soup (broth-based, not cream-based)
--Whole-grain crackers
--Nuts (pre-measure portions as eating too many negates the positives of nuts)
--Reduced-fat string cheese
Here is a list of 100 healthy packaged foods, as compiled by Women's Health magazine:
Given the good info I've gotten out of Women's Health, I'd recommend picking up a copy of Men's Health. The books Baraka mentioned are good reads. The Abs Diet is, in my opinion, common-sense oriented and full of good tips.