It sounds like you want to go extreme. So be it. Here is my input.
- Drink lots (up to 8 cups daily) of water and green tea (real tea, no sugar; if you absolutely need flavour, add 100% fruit juice to sparkling water (50/50))
- Eat lots of fibre (that means whole wheat, whole grain)
- Eat less meat (especially beef and pork; replace some if not all of it with vegetarian options)
I would stay away from diet sodas and energy drinks. Black coffee and green tea are zero-calorie beverages that will kickstart your metabolism, therefore making them ideal.
And to get more comprehensive, try this book:
The Abs Diet, by David Zinczenko, with Ted Spiker. One of my hobbies is nutrition, and what I found in this book made a lot of sense and is easy to follow. And I'm sure you can customize the exercises out of it to fit your setup.
Another book to try is
Eating Well for Optimum Health by Andrew Weil. This guy is a research medical doctor and dropped a lot of weight following his own advice, which is built for long-term living. He's one of my heroes.
I have many, many guidelines and optimizations regarding diet and exercise. It might be best to ask specific questions. If you aren't sure about something, go ahead and ask.