Bottom line, as most people here have pointed out, there is an overwhelming scientific consensus that anthropogenic activity has had a significant effect on the global increase in temperature since the 1970s. There is virtually no disagreement about this among the scientific community.
As my Psych Professor repeatedly says, "Corrolation does not mean causation!"
Temperatures have been going up since the mid 19th Century, and industry has increased since the mid 19th Century. These have two things in common, but there's no evidence one causes the other. The EXACT same data can be used to say Global Warming pushed industrialization along... absurd isn't it?
For example, the argument that there have always been climate cycles is certainly true, but the causes of those cycles (e.g. periodicity in the earth's rotation or sunspot variation) cannot explain the recent warming.
Can those computer models explain the Medieval warming trend when Greenland supported a Viking colony of 10k people, with all their livestock (approximately 3-4 per person)? Or when the French were complaining that the English started making better wine then them? The answer is no, they just ignore it hoping we will too.
Global warming denialism logically is a form of conspiracy theory, since it has to explain why thousands of scientists all over the world and international scientific bodies have all come to the identical conclusion. If that conclusion were wrong, then there must be a grand, global conspiracy of some kind that involves just about every climate science laboratory in the world.
Conspiracy theory? You misunderstand the argument because you don't want to hear it. People don't deny the world is getting warmer, the cause of it is under contention by scientists worldwide. You think there is a unanimous scientific contention of manmade global warming? Then you need to do read a lot more.
NASA recently announced there is global warming on Mercury, Venus, and Mars... is that because our industry? Oh nevermind, NASA is in on the conspiracy. Nothing to see here people...