Originally Posted by willravel
You read the article and then essentially asked me to go out (in the real world) and buy the book. That's a little ridiculous.
Of course its ridiculous. Just as ridiculous as ace's response (
"Speculation is speculation regardless if it comes from me or NIE") to my pointing out an NIE from last year and a national security report from several months ago (
both readily available if ace really wanted to read them) that concluded, among the findings, that our invasion of Iraq has resulted in a propaganda tool for al Queda and more terrorist worldwide.
Bush is being deceitful in every public speech where he mentions al Queda dozens of times (over 90 times in one recent speech) in the context of the Iraq invasion/occupation and proclaims we have to fight them there so we dont fight them here....when the evidence from DoD, CIA and other sources is overwhelming that the majority of insurgents are Sunni Sadamists and Shiia militias and that the relatively small al Queda in Iraq has no capacity to bring their fight to the US.
Bush is being deceitful when he tells the public that he listens to the commanders in the field. He only listens to those whose recommendations support his pre-determined objectives. In deciding on the surge in Jan, he ignore the advice and recommendations of the head of Central Command, the top US general in Iraq and most commanders in Iraq at the time. In the coming days, he is likely to ignore the recommendation of Petreus's boss, Admiral Fallon, head of Central Command, who has recommended a substantial drawdown in the number of US troops in Iraq.
Bush is being deceitful when he shows up in Anbar Province last week and proclaims the "success" in Anbar is a result of the surge, counter to what Petreus said and not sharing the fact that we are making deals with one of the worst Sunni tribal leaders in Anbar, Sheikh Sattar, who has no interest in, or commitment to, a central government and who is building, with tacit US approval, a personal militia of thugs and highway bandits that will only have loyalty to him.
And Bush is deceiving the American public when he claims the surge in working.