Hi, my name is Shauk, and I'm a fatty.
I'm not gonna go into details into my history of weight gain and loss, i'm just gonna cut the shit and say I wanna lose it as fast as possible, if that means 8 lbs a month then damnit, thats what it's gonna be.
I'm 6'6" and I float 300 lbs even, flux about 5 lbs a day, some days ill be 295, some ill be 305.
How much time do I need to dedicate to this?
heres what I have available to me, no kitchen, pretty much whatever non-perishables a store would have, every fast food chain known to man in this area probably (no chik-fil-a or in & out's here tho, which is good for me imo)
A weight set but no bench, just the bar and like 100lbs or so.
My schedule is pretty odd. For example, this week.
Monday OFF (usually spent looking for another job, again, not at home)
Tuesday 5pm-10pm
Wednesday OFF (driving 2 hours away to see my father this week)
Thursday 5-10pm
Friday 11am-10pm (2 hour break from 2-4 but on call)
Saturday 11am-10pm (2 hour break from 2-4 but on call)
Sunday 11am-10pm (2 hour break from 2-4 but on call)
thats the general outline, but sometimes I get off early or start breaks a little early depending on the load.. like right now it's 130 and i'm across the street from where I work at some lil coffee shop writing this cuz my break started at 1 today instead.
I'm also at a loss of what to do physcially to work out. I'm comfortable with weights, but I'm not comfortable at all with things like Jogging, I can do biking but my bike is pretty much too small for me (I'm a big guy)
other questions, which is bound to cause more weight loss? Diet Soda or some sort of Diet energy drink? or something like a Sobe, I know water is probably the best option but Flavor is desireable as well right? meh
so here's some pictures someone took of me while I was hanging out at some hotel party.
I would like to target my torso area I suppose, and I got a bit of a chin starting to form, I just looked in the mirror today while getting ready for work and was like "ugh, I hate feeling like shit every day" so..