Originally Posted by Crompsin
(hangs head)
God, I remember this one time in 2005... had this cuddly black Manx housecat, Demetrius, and he used my nuts as a speedbag for about .8 seconds while I was pumping away on her with the legs-up missionary.
It didn't hurt as much as it scared the absolute holy-jesus-ninja outta me.
This was my belly laugh for the day. You, sir, have just won the thread.
As for my own personal experience, well... I find the question of whether or not I kick the cat out of the bedroom presupposes two things :
1) that when I get down and dirty with a girl it's going to happen in the bedroom and
2) that when said event happens I'm going to have the presence of mind to actually think of the cat.
Let's be frank here. I'm a dude. From the point that her top comes off onward, there's nothing else on my mind.