Originally Posted by tecoyah
I too have carefully listened to Bush, and compared the transcripts to the speeches. Claiming the confusion of his message falls to the opposition is not making sense in the context of your claims of clarity. Furthermore, trying to claim he "Does what he says", while completely ignoring the general trend to not only fail to do what he says, but at times never even say what he is doing or do something completely different than what was said seems a bit disingenuous. It seems you prefer to take one issue (granted a very big one) and generalize it as the whole package, rather than spending the time to look at the complexity, I find it likely that you do so to avoid seeing something you obviously do not want to see.
To be completely honest Ace, I am confused. I find you to be a bright individual with excellent input into most things. But, when it comes to understanding the downsides of GWB, its almost as if you simply go blind.
Bush has weaknesses and he has made many mistakes regarding the Iraq war but to say he is decieving is a stretch. He says he going to invade and he does. He says he is going to stay the course during his reelection and he does. He says he wants to listen to his military (understanding that military people will see military solutions), they suggest a surge and he asks for a surge and get it. He says he wants funding for the occupation, he gets it, etc, etc, etc.
So you call me blind, all I can say is that I am confused by that. Again, I think Bush's political opponents vote one way and then say Bush deceives them because they need an excuse for their participation in an unpopular war. Hence you have the famous Kerry line about voting for the war and against it at the same time.
This one line, all by itself should explain what I am saying...there is a mountain of documentation available that clearly shows otherwise, but you choose to ignore it.
What I tend to ignore are the editorials about Bush lying. I read and listen to what he actually says and I make up my own mind.
This view you have about me reminds me of an exchange I recently had with DC. He talked about an NIE report, I asked if he had read it or just read what others said about the report, I asked some specific questions about the contents and I got nothing but silence. In another exchange with Will I said if Tenant says that he told Bush with greater degree of certainty that Iraq did not have WMD compared to the then general view that they did, that I would totally change my view and agree that Bush lied. Again, I got nothing. Contrary to your view, I am open to new information and I am willing to change my views.