Originally Posted by tecoyah
So, you measure his communication skill by the way he uses deception?
No. Using one word, the word I would use is, clarity. Some people naturally have the skill, some don't. A "craftsmen" works to perfect the skill. Reagan was a "craftsman" when it came to his ability to communicate. He carefully chose each word in his speeches and often made changes to speeches he gave that had been written by others. In my mind there was no intent to deceive.
While I completely understand what he is saying, just as you do, my interpretation of his style of speech is not at all favorable. Not only does he fail to use his native language properly, he remains the most deceptive person I have ever seen in office. I am simply not sure if he does so on purpose, or out of ignorance. I can't grasp how anyone capable of critical though finds something to admire in this man.
I have carefully listened to Bush and I have read many transcripts of his speeches, he does not deceive. The problem comes when his political opponents fail to understand that they are dealing with a person who will actually do what he says. For example, when Bush said he wanted authorization from Congress to use military force against Iraq, he meant it. Some people thought he was asking for authorization to send a message and for negotiation leverage. Who is being deceptive? I think it is those who voted for an unpopular war and want an excuse.