1. Do not rely on your boyfriend for financial support unless you are engaged, and even then be wary. If you break up and he's paying 80% of the bills, you are FUCKED. It is ok to have a shared living situation, as long as if push came to shove, you'd be able to afford your car insurance, car payment if you have one, gas, food, and rent on a small apartment or a room in a house.
2. If you need to get a small student loan this semester, do so. It would be better for you to quit your low-paying job and start aggressively pursuing a career than to continue to make $7 an hour and then finish the semester with nothing. What is your degree?
3. Even if you don't have any career options available (I've never understood going to college without a goal in mind, but that's another story...), still spend a couple months aggressively pursuing a good high paying job. There are many jobs at many companies (I can think of five, specifically, at the company I'm at that pay 40k+) that pay very well with any degree, regardless of whether or not it's related.
4. Don't spend too much time feeling sorry for yourself. You're a college graduate, it isn't the end of the world that you're not getting help from Mommy.
Sorry to be so blunt, other people more qualified have covered the emotional impact. I just don't understand why you feel like you're trapped in a 'low paying university job.' Change that before you jump through too many hoops to make your living situation match your meager income.
Last edited by telekinetic; 09-07-2007 at 09:18 AM..