Originally Posted by willravel
Romans 6:23: "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord."
It's a carrot/stick thing. Do good, get the carrot. Do bad, get the stick. Do good, go to heaven. Do bad, go to hell. If that's not blatant motivation, I don't know what is.
No, come on Will... Baraka's got it right here. True Christians don't obey God's "rules" out of fear that they're going to hell... they believe that by accepting Jesus into their heart, they've been forgiven all their sins and saved from hell. That scripture you're quoting is actually saying that if people do NOT accept Jesus, then yes, they will go to hell... but if they do accept him, they no longer have to act in fear. The point of being a Christian is to draw near to God out of love and a desire to obey, not fear of going to hell. At least, that was my 2 cents of understanding...