Excellent post
Baraka_Guru and
abaya. The concept of Karma, as with anything else related to belief systems or philosophies, can be seen through a wide variety of lenses. abaya touched on just one reason I have significant problems with Theravada Buddhism. It is often said by some people that "Buddhism is a philosophy more than a religion." Theravada is very clearly a religion. Even Baraka_Guru's description of Karma, which I take less issue with, is initially mired in the metaphysical with its involvement of "past lives" - something which I can't agree with in the literal sense. Nonetheless, his bulleted list is precisely what I mean when I say you breed the environment you live in.
Originally Posted by Racnad
I'd want to live in a world where I could leave my coat in a room without worry about people taking valuables from the pockets. Therefore, it would be inconsistent of me to take things from other people's coats.
This statement is a perfect example, if a bit simplistic. When you take that iPod, the next time you go to a party (especially with some of the same people) it's more likely that you'll be surrounded by people who are much more paranoid and skeptical of others than they may have otherwise been. On top of that, the person who lost their iPod may be made to feel more justified in doing the same to someone else. That only magnifies the effect. Whether you are caught or not, whether you feel guilt or not, the act of stealing has broader implications and effects on the world around you that will likely serve to make your own existence just a little less pleasing.