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Old 09-05-2007, 11:12 PM   #25 (permalink)
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Location: CA
Originally Posted by Emotion
i know youve already gone through the procedure, but I've had two surgeries in my life (back and wisdom teeth [if that even counts as surgery]) where i was put under. I was nervous as hell before hand, but when they gave me all those drugs prior to the anesthetic I didn't give a fuck about anything. it felt awesome
Haha, yeah I told the doctors I was nervous and the nurse put a gas mask over my nose. I asked her "so is this the part where I get knocked out?" she replied, "no, this will just relax you" (which it did, drugs are amazing). The dentist walked in, gave me a shot and said, "This is what will knock you..." at that point I was gone. Woke up at the end of surgery and felt drunk as hell, barely able to walk.

The scariest part was the gas and the shot, I felt like I was tricked into some kind of experiment and they were knocking me out for purposes other than extracting my wisdom teeth. While the process was smooth, it was a creepy way to be blacked out by a shot in the arm, I prefer to be in control of shutting down my conciousness
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