Hang in there Kabsnow, hopefully the worst will be over soon for you.
I had all four of mine out at once about 15 yrs. ago. I wasn't put under, I had gas and novacaine. I don't recall much pain during the procedure itself (I've never heard of it being referred to as "surgery"). I do remember the pressure I felt and the horrid crunching sounds going on in my head.
I guess it's completely individual but I was given all the warnings about dry socket, and yet I couldn't not smoke, so I did and never had a problem. However, the erythromycin I took threw me into a freakin 14 hr. puke fest.
I have one tooth that needs to be pulled (can't afford it right now) that is, ironically, the tooth that caused me to deal with braces for two years as a teenager. I'm afraid of it being done because I take meds for high blood pressure and I've read it's not good to have gas in my situation. I can't envision it happening with just novacaine.