Originally Posted by Strange Famous
If we speak only of adults who are mentally capable.... then I do not believe a woman can rape a man. A woman could molest or assault a man... but rape is a crime of violence before it is a crime of sex. Rape is a hate crime, and the damage which is done to a woman by the act of rape cannot be done by a woman to a man in my opinion.
I agree that rape is a violent crime, but I don't think that women are incapable of violence. I think it's also possible to use other means to overcome a victim, rather than just using brute force, a weapon or any other form of physical violence. To me whether or not it's rape rests on the issue of consent. It's possible, as others have stated, for a woman to overcome a man's resistance by drugging him, or if she's in a position of power over him using her position to get sex from him. (it's rape if the genders are reversed as well IMO). There's also the possiblity of blackmail, I would think that the only limits on how this could be done are only limited by the imagination and resoursefullness of the perpretrator.
Originally Posted by Strange Famous
Even if she was to drug or overpower a dude and use some kind of strap on tool to sodomise him... I think this would be assault and battery rather than rape.
Why is it not rape, or at the very least sexual assault or sexual battery? Why is it just plain assault and battery? Does a man's lack of consent for sex, mean less than a woman's? IMO it's rape whenever one partner says no, or is incapacitated to the point they cannot say no (or yes), and the other person takes sexual advantage of them. Why should it matter the gender of the aggressor, or the gender of the victim whether or not it's rape?
Originally Posted by Strange Famous
It is possible that a man may be raped though... by another man.
It is possible for male on male rape, but I don't think that is the only possiblity.