Originally Posted by Crompsin
Yeah, but sexual gratification is a human "need" in some belief systems.
Like iodine... sure, you can live without it... but you'll get a huge goiter.
It is a human need, a biological need, in fact. If you do not relieve yourself, you will have nocturnal emissions. Your testes can only produce and contain so much sperm, and it has to clear out the old sperm once in a while to keep the man parts functioning. Thus, wet dreams. I'd recommend taking it into one's own hands, though, as clean-up tends to be easier.
That said, addressing the OP: You need to have an honest conversation with your GF. You are doing her, and yourself, a great disservice by not doing so. Either you need to communicate with her and clear the air about your love of porn, or find a new girlfriend. Or both.
And to all the posts about whether or not women like porn: Yes, women like porn. Whether or not they call what they like porn, they like it. Yes, that is a generalization, but we have to realize that what would be porn for women is different; bodice rippers are definitely porn. Most women I know of who like porn are more into reading erotic fiction and dirty stories than watching movies or the like, but some women are. Personally, I like all porn, and have more than my SO.
Personally, I judge a person as sexually suitable if they laugh at tentacle porn. I have no interest in prudes or people without a sense of humor.