I had mine removed about three weeks ago, it really isn't too bad. I wasn't knocked unconscious, but instead was given a local anesthetic and nitrogen gas. My two lower molars were grown in sideways--and let me tell you, to watch a doctor basically operate a jackhammer on your teeth is *NOT* fun. However, there was *NO* pain during the operation, but a lot of discomfort afterwards as the novacaine wore off. My advice to you is to make sure to take the pain killers w/in 45 min. of the operation or else risk feeling painful stabs in your jaw where the teeth used to be.
I was swollen for a couple of days afterwards, and that was a pain in the butt, I couldn't eat solid foods--and I'm being perfectly honest here, the WORST part about having your wisdom teeth removed is being hungry. That's it. Aside from the hunger, anti-inflammatory drugs, anti-biotics and pain killers should keep you good until about 5 days afterwards where you can start tryin to eat solid foods.
All in all, I was nervous too, but isn't *that* bad. Good luck w/ the Surgery!
Originally Posted by healer
I only ask because of the surprisingly large number of people who seem to have had theirs removed - what was the reason?
For me, my lower wisdom teeth were grown in sideways, so they were compacting my lower teeth(causing crooked teeth), making it hard to keep my teeth clean (thereby affecting my gum health).
Since my two lower wisdom teeth were gone, my uppers woulda been useless, so they pulled those too.
By removing my wisdom teeth, the dental specialists can now have enough room to install braces and correct my teeth.