Originally posted by seretogis
The Democratic party supported attempts to force the Boy Scouts to allow gay scoutmasters, which, in my opinion, is a violation of their liberties as a private organization. If they don't want gay members, fine, start up a "Rainbow Scouts" program if there is enough interest. As for whether or not the Boy Scouts should receive federal funding after such a declaration is debatable but I would vote "Yes" since they are an organization that still makes a positive impact on many boys' lives.
Democrats and Republicans are essentially the same, in a general sense. They are both federalists, though they cater to different corporations and different moral systems (or lack thereof). They both want an omnipotent government which can see into the minds and bedrooms of the populace and dictate what is right with selective thought-policing. Neither know of a way to solve a problem without creation of yet another Federal organization.
if boy scouts want federal funds, they should should discriminate using federal money. same thing w/ religious institutions that do charity, dont discrimnate on hiring if you're giong to receive fed money!
and the republicans are way more into dictating what you can do in the bedroom, just to point it out. there are numerous quotes from diff republicans about gays. and ACLU endorses dem's more times than not