Originally Posted by Ustwo
So does that mean all the global warming alarmist that were trying to convince us that every coastal city would be underwater are wrong?
You know those cute pictures with NYC underwater?
Most people well understand the
Chicken Little effect you seem to focus on, but many also manage to ignore the hype in favor of the actual Data. It might help the discussion to keep in mind both sides of the information when formulating opinion. Case in point:
Originally Posted by Ustwo
There is a 100,000 year cycle (Ice ages anyone) and they also surprising found a much milder 1,500 year cycle. It is this cycle that we are in (well we are always in it but its the warming cycle of it) and if true it WILL get a bit hotter and then, again as seen in the middle ages, it WILL get colder again. This is documented by both polar ice cores and corroborated by history. Europe was warmer in the times of the Romans, got cold in the middle ages (which caused much of the problems) and is getting warmer again.
This seems to be a relatively sound statement of scientific consensus, but in the very next breath you choose to Ignore much of the opinion held by the very same community of scientists, in an attempt to support your beliefs:
Originally Posted by Ustwo
So you tell me is the very minimal warming effect human produced CO2 causing offset by the particulate pollutants which would reflect sunlight? No one knows but the one thing thats apparent is that its very MINOR. Hell we might even be slowing down the warming with our dust clouds acting much like increased cloud cover. I used to fly small aircraft and being around Chicago you could always find it first by the big brown cloud before you saw it over the horizon.
We don't KNOW the effects but I do not think they are anywhere near worthy of acting all hysterical about it. As you know from my past postings it annoys me to no end to have people with absolutely no scientific backgrounds or even interests acting like we have to do SOMETHING now in some feel good gesture. Not that you fit this group of course, but you don't have to ask around to long to find someone like that.
There are available, vast reams of data concerning the ways in which CO2 plays into Global climate, and though I agree no one theory or hypothesis can explain the full effect, any truly logical interpretation of the information would show cumulative effect in play. Its all good and fine to get pissed off at the Hype Ustwo, I am as well
(though for different reasons), but to use that as a reasoning for hiding ones head in the sand is almost as ignorant.