Where was I ...Hmm... this time of year, 17 years old... ah yes, the year my perky cheerleader little sister (freshman) finally learned to appreciate having an older sister who was not the least bit perky and was prone to ending, if not starting, fights.
Ya know.. High school must have been pretty crappy when my fondest memory isn't about prom or graduation or the parties i went to or the friends I had, but the day I broke the captain of the varsity football team's nose for walking behind my little sister with his friends, commenting on her nice ass and betting his friends he'd have "nailed that sweet thing" by the end of the week , tops.
(needless to say, he didn't ever get within 25 feet of her after I was done with him. )
Ugh. fall of 1990, Sr. year, headbangers, the only straight(didn't mean "not gay" then - but someone clean and sober) one one in a group that drank and smoked and did drugs. I scalped some tickets, went to some concerts, worked evenings and weekends for a lumberyard as an ap/ar clerk and cashier, and only went to HS half a day because the other half I went to vocational school for entrepreneurship and business mgmt. With a boyfriend that i ended up living with and getting pregnant with my daughter by 2 years later.
dreams? getting the hell out of Illinois - I didn't care where to. thats all i ever dreamed of then.
Special place I recall... none stick out as special really - i'd say that dark little place where we used to park and fuck, but it became not so special the night the cops showed up because a nearby business had an unusual late shift working and someone *ahem* HEARD us. lol
Last edited by Midnight; 09-04-2007 at 09:04 PM..