Originally Posted by Ustwo
I won't get into this too much this time but there is strong evidence of a 1500 year warming/cooling cycle. There is NO evidence of human global warming, period, nothing, not a scientific shred, but there is plenty of evidence of this cycle. Correlation does NOT equal causation, period.
I'm curious about this... Granting for the sake of etc. that the current warming trend isn't caused by human behavior (which I'm not convinced about, but granting it even so), do you believe the things people are saying about the end-game of the warming trend? The OP is fairly dramatic as a result--and people more credible than Al Gore have been talking about massive flooding and other catastrophic weather events related to global warming. Do you believe that's coming?
Second question, only sort of related. Do you believe that if we altered our behavior, we could ameliorate the effects of this (granted-for-the-sake-of) non-human-caused phenomenon? Is even the most massive world-wide effort enough to impact this (granted-for-the-sake-of) natural cycle? Or are we on this roller-coaster without any brakes for as far as it takes us?