Originally Posted by Strange Famous
unfortunately, as long as there are people who want to look at such things, the market will create the images - somehow or other.
Well....true. That's just basic supply and demand. But, I think that what analog was getting at is the teeny boppers taking self-pics, for
whatever reason. He wonders why the parents were not more in tune with these goings on.
My simple answer is this; parents try to do thier best. Well,
most of us anyway. But, we're not omnipotent. We cannot be everywhere, every second of the day. And occasionally, there is the kid that's going to run counter to every bit of upbringing that they ever had. The "Black Sheep", as it were.
Of course you're going to have "parents" that are more than willing to let the school system, TV, and the internet raise thier children. I think, however, that those are the exception...not the rule. Most of us (parents)
want to do a good job.