Her breathing was heavy and rapid as she carried her patient through the woods. Something was chasing her. This isn't what I became a vet for. In her arms, she carried a young penguin. It was incredibly calm for the desparate situation. The vet could hear leaves being crushed and sticks snapping as her persuer grew closer. She finally got to her car, and jumped in immediately. I should have listened to my mom. She always said, "Never take a penguin camping." She turned the key, and the car only whined in protest. It seemed unwilling to start. She tried over and over, turning the key harder, as though it made a difference. Frustrated, she finally quit. She knew this was the time to make her stand, but she still didn't even know if her persuer was human. She needed to hide her precious cargo, but where? If it's some sort of animal chasing her, she could simply lock herself in the car, but if it's some sort of weird arctic poacher thousands of miles from his usual hunting grounds, he could get in the car easily. She wasn't sure what was out there, but decided to hide it in the trunk just in case. Just as she slammed the trunk shut, she saw some branches moving at the edge of the brush. She held her breath as her persuer began to come into view.
Maybe the answer is in the very light reflected off our blades. Maybe that's what it means to be this creature known as samurai.