Thread: Is it Fake?
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Old 09-02-2007, 10:33 PM   #28 (permalink)
Lennonite Priest
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Location: Mansfield, Ohio USA
I do think that based on how much footage is coming out, how governments are releasing info and how there is so much information and disinformation given on the topic, that perhaps, the leaders of the world are ready to admit and make contact.

These are strange times we live in, I think you have to be totally psychically dead not to feel something is happening and we are about to see something HUGE take place..

Originally Posted by Lokus
Anyway Pan, I find your evidence utterly unconvincing. Just because someone is famous, doesn't give their opinion any more validity than Joe Schmoe who claims to have been anally probed. The only ones I would believe would be astronauts and the NASA guys. They say they believe but they have no evidence. Why is it that the aliens would show themselves to human eyes but not electronic sensors? Also, are there any other sources for the quotes listed above besides Gen. MacArthur? It's kind of funny that you would snopes him because I have no trouble believing that he said that. MacArthur was a bit of a loon, he repeatedly disobeyed orders and was convinced that a group of veterans lobbying for their bonus had been infiltrated by communists. Also I doubt the US had the capability to monitor or detect UFO's reliably in 1955 so MacArthur's position doesn't give him any more credibility than the average person claiming to see UFO's.
Ithought this link covered all the quotes I gave: : and I did include astronaut and NASA quotes..... there are many more on that site also.

As for the Egyptian stuff, I only read through some of it because the constant five question marks after every sentence got on my nerves. The picture doesn't clearly show a gray on the drawing. Notice how all the people are in profile and in color while the alien is not. It's hardly definitive, more akin to people seeing the face of Jesus in their toast. If you want to see something, you will. Also the article says that Egyptians included pi to the 15th digit in the pyramids yet pi wasn't even discovered then. First off, pi was known approximately 4,000 years ago and there was even an Egyptian text with the value of pi. Secondly, using my own calculator and the original size of the pyramid in Egyptian cubits, pi is only accurate to 2 places. And I'm sure the Egyptians could make a perfectly square structure, they had a measuring system.
Ah but we still do not have the technology to erect ANYTHING so perfect, and if we use only their technology and manpower.... there is NO way possible, we could build anything comparable. I read somewhere it would have had to have taken 1000's of men over decades working 24 hours a day to build the Great Pyramid. Yet it was built within the lifetime of the Pharaoh.

You say it's small minded to disbelieve something because you believe there's no proof. Well, how else are we supposed to believe in anything? Every idea out there has some sort of proof in someone's mind, that doesn't mean that I find the proof valid. If you go to a flat earther website, they have all kinds of justifications for what they believe. Does that mean that you or I are small minded because we dismiss it? I don't think so. I'm open to new views but in the end I'll decide what I do or don't believe in the absence of hard facts.
I don't care if you believe in UFOs or not.... the small mindedness, IMHO, is believing that life on Earth is all there is or that we are the most intelligent.

The real reason I don't believe in UFO's is why. Why would aliens who are so technologically advanced that they can travel interstellar distances bother with us? We aren't a threat to anyone except ourselves and the Earth. While we have the capability to leave our atmosphere, it is rudimentary at best and unlikely to improve in the near future. I would also assume that any society that is so technologically advanced would be socially and morally advanced as well and wouldn't abduct random humans for nefarious purposes. I just don't see it happening.
Why do we bother and disect ants, bacteria, etc.?

Hell not even 100 years ago, no one believed or even dreamt man would ever move faster than sound.... yet we do.

Before man figured out how to canoe he could only go as far as he swam (because he eventually ran into water, whether it was a lake or river or ocean) and he never thought he could cross it.

Then he built canoes and could oar and cross small bodies of water....

Then he realized if you added a lot of oars you could go farther and faster.

Then he conquered the wind and moved even faster and farther.

Then he moved into hot air balloons and rudimentary submarines.

Then airplanes could carry people across the ocean in a day.

Then jets could carry them over oceans in hours.

Now our shuttles can transverse oceans in minutes from space.

The point is each time mankind developed a faster, more effective way to travel. While the popular thought each time was "there is no way we can move faster or farther."

We have no idea what is next, or who out there has more.

Originally Posted by wheelhomies
maybe ufos are just people from the future coming to visit.
Highly possible.

BTW Sun Tzu.... great clips.
I just love people who use the excuse "I use/do this because I LOVE the feeling/joy/happiness it brings me" and expect you to be ok with that as you watch them destroy their life blindly following. My response is, "I like to put forks in an eletrical socket, just LOVE that feeling, can't ever get enough of it, so will you let me put this copper fork in that electric socket?"

Last edited by pan6467; 09-02-2007 at 10:54 PM.. Reason: Automerged Doublepost
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