Originally posted by WhoaitsZ
please don't stone me..... just my opinion.
okay...... miss teacher.... GROW UP.
jesus. i can see her quitting or being transfered or doing something harsh to the demon spawn, but come on. have a nice hot cup of STFU already.
america - the land of stupid ass "please let my employees fuck me over" lawsuits.
Z, thats the first thing I thought about!
But there is definitely more to the situation. No, she should not have been placed in a situation where she had to deal with this, the parents should have taken action.
Like GoldenOuruboros said, the kids are not and can not be disiplined at home like they used to. I am 18, and I sure as hell got my ass kicked when I fucked up...I do not know what is wrong with the rest of the nation...
Thats what kids need!! Parents need to start being parents and not friends...