I'm still here

The last month or so has been roughly the same pattern (my family fighting with me and each other for no real reason, me getting really stressed out over it, and then the next day they act like nothing happened). There's one important exception--I finally heard back from one of the many places I applied to. I went in for an interview and I think I made a really good impression because they want me to come in for another interview next week. I really hope I get that job. Earlier in the week, my brother got me an interview at a place near where he works, and they seemed interested in hiring me too. However, I was supposed to study something they sent me and e-mail them in a few days, which I did, but they never responded. This other place seems a lot nicer, and the guy does reply to my e-mails so I think it will be better. Since I was finally invited for a job interview somewhere, my dad has stopped picking on me and he's been defending me when my mother tries to start a fight with me, so it's been less stressful over the past week or so than usual

I was planning to post in a week after I either got the job (to thank everyone and let everyone know that things were getting better) or to ask for more advice if things got worse. Since you asked now, though, I figured I may as well post even if it's just to say not much has changed just yet but it seems like it will in the immediate future

(Also, I have a little bit of insomnia which is why I'm posting at 3 AM, but I'm going to try to get back into a normal sleep cycle in anticipation of having a job to go to)